Contextual guides

Instead of linking users out to help centers, offer bitesized help or "side quests" that can be triggered with an icon

Emily Wang avatar
Written by Emily Wang
Updated over a week ago

At Bento, we believe the best product experiences speak for themselves. But the reality of b2b SaaS means we need to help users navigate complexity.

Bento's contextual guides allow non-engineers to create & manage in-app help & side-quests, while allowing users to track their own progress. Let's take a look:

Here in Payday, a user can click on a guide icon to see a contextual guide. All of this is built in Bento, where content can be updated live.

How to create a contextual guide

Like any guide, select the type after clicking create new in the guide library. By default, contextual guides are 1 per user, but you can change the scope to an "account" guide in Guide targeting later, if only 1 user per account/customer needs to take action or know about the functionality.

Before getting to the guide builder you will be asked how you want the guide to be triggered. We recommend adding a visual tag so it's less obtrusive, and customers can opt in. You can change this in the 'Targeting' tab of the guide builder as well.

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