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What are step groups (aka Modules)?
What are step groups (aka Modules)?

What are these things?

Meera Kanani avatar
Written by Meera Kanani
Updated over a week ago

Step groups are the groups of steps that make up Standard guides. Step groups allow you to organize steps in a logical way and re-use them for different guides as needed.

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For instance, imagine you have admin users and end-users. You want both the admin users and end-users to "Get started" however everything else in their onboarding is different.

You can use the same step group "Get started with Bento" in both of their guides, even if every other step group / step is different.

How to create a step group

  1. Decide what type of Guide you want to create from the Guide Library. Step groups only pertain to onboarding or contextual checklists.

  2. Once you are in the guide editor, Add a new step group or choose one you have already created

  3. You can add steps, include images, videos, links, call-outs and more in each

    1. We recommend including 2-3 steps per group

    2. Optionally add a call-to-action button that can take the user to a particular part of your app

  4. Finally, save the step group and continue creating your guide

When to use a step group

Use a step group when you want to create a set of steps that are repeatable and can be incorporated into other guides, they serve as a nested set of steps that the user can clearly walk through.

We would love your feedback on step groups. Some users love the repeatability, others don't this it is useful. React to let us know where do you fall!

Step groups that are edited in one guide will propagate to all guides they are used in. Duplicate the step group if you don't want changed to propagate.

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