Salesforce integration

Bento's bidirectional Salesforce integration leverages a managed package to send data to Salesforce and pull properties from Salesforce.

Meera Kanani avatar
Written by Meera Kanani
Updated over a week ago

Everboarding for B2B SaaS companies needs to consider all the humans that are in the loop.

  • Sales teams live in their CRM and key information for onboarding plans, implementation details, etc. all live in Salesforce. This information is valuable for guide-targeting

  • Success and Implementation teams use Salesforce to track customer progress. Having customer progress in Bento guides readily available allows you to automate intervention playbooks.

Salesforce is a premium integration, and we'd be happy to discuss adding it to your plan.

Basic set-up

Step 1: In the Integrations page, invite your Salesforce admin to authenticate and grant Bento the following scopes:

  • Access and manage your data (api)

  • Access your basic information (id, profile, email, address, phone)

  • Perform requests on your behalf at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)

  • Provide access to your data via the Web (web)

Step 2: Map SFDC accounts and contacts to Bento accounts and accountUsers

  • Bento supports up to 100 characters in the account ID field (and all text fields). If you're using longer strings, please reach out to us.

Sending information from SFDC to Bento

Use data in SFDC to target specific users and accounts with Bento guides

Once your basic SFDC integration is set up, and your account and contact fields are mapped, you can start pulling data from SFDC to Bento for targeting.

  • Most popular attributes include account: "plan", user: "role", or even account:"onboarding status"

Step 1: Choose which SFDC properties you'd like to import and name those attributes

Step 2: run a one time sync

  • Check a specific account's attributes and make sure the fields are updating correctly

  • When that's working as expected, you can Enable Sync

  • Bento will pull data every 24 hours (around midnight ET)

Bento will only request attributes for users who are in Bento's system (aka have identified). If your user has never logged into your app, then they won't appear in Bento and we will not be able to request attributes for them.

If you want to pass data to Bento that is not one of the above data types just let us know. We can rollout support for you.

Data types Bento supports

Currently, Bento support all primitive data types that are stored in SFDC. This includes data in any field stored as one of the following data types:

  • base64

  • boolean

  • byte

  • date

  • dateTime

  • int

  • double

  • long

  • string

  • time

Coming soon: Support for monetary values.

If you want to pass data to Bento that is not one of the above data types just let us know. We can rollout support for you.

Sending Bento guide progress to SFDC

Monitor progress and engagement in Salesforce and trigger playbooks for outreach or manual intervention

After you've launched your guide, you can push step progress to Salesforce. This way, you can see the number of steps in onboarding an account has completed, or set up reports that flag accounts that have not made progress in the last week.

What data do we send?


  • completed at

  • branching choices

  • step type


  • completed step count

  • total step count

  • launched at

  • completed at

  • name

Step 1: Ask your Salesforce admin to log into your Bento instance to grab the managed package installation link as well as your private installation key.

Step 2: Install Bento with permissions granted to all users. This ensures all users can see account onboarding progress via Bento guides’ step completion states

Step 3: Add Bento’s Guide Object to your Account layout.

  • Go to the Account Objects Layout (Setup > Object Manager) and add a Related List

  • From there, pick "Bento Guide".

Note: You won't be able to see anything until you configure and sync from the Bento admin UI.

Step 4: In the Bento Admin UI, configure which onboarding guides’ progress should be passed into Salesforce.

  • Make sure there is at least some guide activity (i.e. step completed) for the Account you want to test from within the last 24 hours

  • Press Test sync which will push any activity from the prior 24 hours to SFDC.

  • At that point you can go to an account that has Bento guides to check data

Use cases

Every company's Salesforce account is configured differently, but with the raw data available, you should be able to:

  1. Send this data to additional sources such as Gainsight

  2. Build a report that shows accounts that have not completed any onboarding steps in the last week

  3. Trigger an outreach email if an account has not made any progress in X time. You can also do this at the user-level, but for onboarding, we find that it's easier to build an Account-scoped guide in Bento, which maps progress to the Account object in Salesforce

Where Bento info lives in the Salesforce UI

  • Guide progress for account-scoped guides will show up on the Account

  • Guide progress for user-scoped guides will show up on the User

  • Input field answers can be found by going to the Contact > Guide > Related > Input answer (Bento Step record)

Call-outs to when / how data syncs:

  • The SFDC sync will not create new accounts in Bento.

  • For data to sync from SFDC, the account has to already exist in Bento. This happens when users in the account login to your app (and the Bento snippet is correctly installed).

  • Once an account is created in Bento, the nightly syncs will pull data for that account.

  • If the account has logged in between the nightly syncs they will not have any of the expected data. If you want them to have the necessary data you can either run the one time test sync OR wait for the next nightly sync

  • Nightly syncs happen at midnight EST.

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