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NPS surveys with Bento
NPS surveys with Bento
Emily Wang avatar
Written by Emily Wang
Updated over a week ago

Bento is an everboarding platform that intelligently understands the various "components" that are launched in-app. The nice thing about using Bento for NPS surveys is that you'll never have that silly feeling of a NPS survey on top of a modal.

NPS surveys are part of Bento's Growth plan.

Here's what we'll cover:

What is NPS and how are scores calculated?

NPS stands for Net Promoter Score and is one way of quantifying how satisfied customers are with your product. As with all metrics, we find that it’s not so much the absolute score, but rather the relative score over time that can be a useful way to measure the impact of success initiatives.

Scores are calculated by:

  • Taking the % of respondents who are promoters (Scores 9 & 10) - % of respondents who are detractors (Scores 6 and below).

  • If you have 1 respondent and they were Passive (Scores 7 & 8), then your NPS score is 0

  • If you have 5 respondents who are promoters, 3 who are detractors, and two who are passives, then your score is 20 (50-30).

We personally find these scores a little confusing and hard to keep track of, so have conveniently color-coded your scores in the Analytics tab. Greens and Blues are awesome. Reds are bad.

How to build and launch an NPS survey

Building an NPS survey is as straight forward as clicking "Create new" from the NPS subtab. You'll find this in the "Library".

We’ll pre-fill the standard NPS question: “How likely are you to recommend us”, but allow you to modify it to fit your product’s tone and brand.

You can optionally ask a follow-up question to capture more qualitative feedback.

Targeting, prioritization and relaunching


Like guides, you can target NPS surveys to any segment of users or accounts.


NPS questions will appear as a floating banner at the bottom of your app. Therefore, it’s important we don’t have multiple overlay experiences launched at the same time!

  • By using Bento for everboarding and NPS, you can control the relative priority of, say, a webinar banner, and the survey.

  • Bento manages all of the components and will ensure that one will only appear after another has been completed or dismissed.


As part of launching, you can also decide when to stop collecting responses based on number of responses, or time.

You can also decide to relaunch a survey after X amount of time.

NPS analytics

After your survey is launched, you’ll be able to see your results via our Slack integration, any webhook or native integrations, and via the NPS analytics tab.

In the analytics tab, we’ll show you a summary NPS score for that survey.

  • You can click on it to expand to see the number of promoters, passives and detractors.

  • At the top is also a summary of the users who have viewed and responded to the survey.

But one of the most interesting views is the ability to see NPS by account (aka customer). Not only can you see the overall score for that account, you can see how many users responded.

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