Sidebar behaviour

When you open the Bento sidebar, what should you see?

Meera Kanani avatar
Written by Meera Kanani
Updated over a week ago

This article helps explain when you will see what behaviour in the Bento sidebar.

The sidebar refers to the floating container that houses all the Bento guides. Because it houses so much content, we have explicit logic for when each guide shows up by default.

Contextual guides and onboarding guides in this case refer to guides that are in the sidebar. If you want to hide the toggle and sidebar, see this help article

Basic toggle-and-sidebar interactions

  • By default, clicking the toggle will open an onboarding guide, that is active (aka not Done)

    • If the onboarding guide is completed, it will open to the resource center

  • If a user independently is on a page and has a contextual guide and an onboarding guide available, the toggle will open the contextual guide

  • If the user collapses the sidebar, the toggle should behave the same way as if it was never opened.

  • If the user, from within Resource Center settings, chooses to always show the resource center, then on click, the toggle will always show the resource center

  • It doesn’t matter what icon in the toggle you click, it will always behave the same


  • If a user has an onboarding guide, the sidebar will auto animate open once per user

    • If the onboarding guide is not inline on that page

  • When a user independently navigates to a page with a page targeted contextual guide, the sidebar animates open to the contextual guide one time

    • There is a setting (sidebar visibility) to suppress this where the sidebar never animates for contextual guides

  • If a user clicks a guide CTA that launches a page-targeted contextual guide, the sidebar should animate open to the contextual guide after page redirect


  • By default, clicking on CTAs within an onboarding guide that directs you to a new page, will cause the sidebar to follow and open to the next incomplete step in the onboarding guide

    • This has been the Bento default since day 1

  • By default, clicking on CTAs within a sidebar contextual guide will also cause the sidebar contextual guide to follow you

Interactions between onboarding & contextual guides

  • A user navigates to a page on their own. There is a page targeted contextual guide available, and an onboarding guide available. On click, the toggle opens the contextual guide (the highest ranked one, if there are multiple)

  • A user navigates to a page via an onboarding guide CTA. There is a page targeted contextual guide available. On page transition, the sidebar animates open to the onboarding guide, and the next available incomplete step (stays in the journey)

    • If the user clicks the back button, we expect them to see the Resource Center. In the resource center, there should be a card in “Active/available guides” that is the Contextual Guide

    • If you want the contextual guide to appear first, have the onboarding guide CTA 'launch the contextual guide'

  • If the user collapses the sidebar but stays on the page with the Contextual Guide, then next time they open the sidebar it will show the contextual guide

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