Auto-completing steps

Complete steps for your users once the action is done (leverages data you pass into Bento)

Emily Wang avatar
Written by Emily Wang
Updated over a week ago

Nothing feels quite as good to an end-user as taking a key action in-app, and seeing their progress bar automatically move forward. To solve for this, simply set any action-steps to auto-complete.

Auto completing via data

Any events or attributes that you share with Bento can be used to automatically complete a step. To pass these in, either:

If you want to complete a step via an event, you can also define any properties in the payload.

Auto complete via other Bento guide

If you want the step of one guide to complete based on the completion of another guide, you can set that up via Bento!

  • Navigate to the step you want to auto-complete, make sure it is an 'action' step

  • Choose 'Automatic (data), choose 'Another guide's completion' and choose which guide.

Auto complete via button click

While backend data and events are a lot more reliable for denoting an action was taken, you can also track button clicks as a way to mark a step as completed.

Once you set to Automatic (button click), you'll be taken through the visual tag experience to identify the element that should be tracked, for example a "submit" button or an "invite" button.

By default, steps that are set to auto complete can be manually completed by users as well by ticking the checkbox in the nested guide or pressing the number in the flat and compact guide.

If you don't want users to be able to manually complete steps that are set to auto-complete you can control this from the guide editor.

  1. Create a new guide or edit steps in an existing guide

  2. Choose auto complete either by data or button-click

  3. In the modal that pops up, check or uncheck the box for "Allow users to manually complete/incomplete"

Note: If your step has a manual CTA that allows the step to be marked as complete it will be manually completed.

You can test this functionality when you preview your guides!

QA'ing step completion

Once you've set up step completion you may want to check that it works. Trigger the event and then head to the Data tab where you'll be able to see the list of events that have been passed into Bento.

Click on any of them to see metadata about the most recent event, who triggered it, and what step was completed by it,

Note: For Flow guides autocomplete will only work the FIRST time someone interacts with the flow.

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