Announcement modals

From feature announcements, to in-line explanations, announcement modals catch your users' attention.

Emily Wang avatar
Written by Emily Wang
Updated over a week ago

Everyone has seen modals pop up announcing an exciting new feature, and now, you can build those in Bento, to pair with or extend an onboarding experience.

What's different about announcements in Bento

  1. Users can save it for later; if it pops up at an inopportune moment, users can save it, and come back to it when ready

  2. You can target it to be launched via a hotspot/visual tag; embed the announcement onto a page and let users opt-in (vs distracting them)

  3. You can customize the modal size, position, border radius, overlay colour, presence, and shadow; styles at the per announcement level can be made in the "Preview & Style" tab in the announcement editor, account-wide style decisions can be found in "Branding settings"

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ How to create and launch an announcement modal

  1. Announcements are created in the Library, like any guide.

  2. As you type, add in images, or embed videos, the preview will automatically update

  3. Optionally add a call-to-action button that can take the user to a particular part of your app

  4. Finally, decide when and how this announcement should appear

Targeting rules for announcements

Users can see announcements in 3 ways:

  • On any page when they next log in

  • On a specific page

Modal styling

You can control style per announcement or across all announcements for your org.

Here are all the styles you can change per announcement:

Save for later

Something unique to modals in Bento is that your users can save them for later and re-access them when needed.

How does this work?

  • Save for later is simply a call to action button that is added to modals by default (it can be removed)

  • When pressed, the announcement will be stored in the 'resource center' in the sidebar component

Note: for folks who hide the sidebar or who have removed the back arrow, preventing access to the resource center, your users won't be able to re-access announcements.

Surveys with modals

Our announcement modals are often used for surveys.

  • Create a new announcement

  • Switch the step type from information to input

  • Upon doing so a pop-up will ask you to choose what input type you want to use.

  • Once you set that up, type your content into the modal content field

  • You will then be able to preview your modal in Bento and can launch it to your target audience

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