Re-launch guides for specific accounts

Resetting guides for individual accounts allows you to start them from scratch or re-see modals

Emily Wang avatar
Written by Emily Wang
Updated over a week ago

When testing your Bento guides, you typically launch them to a specific internal account to see what the end-user experience looks like. You will click through the guide to see how different interactions work; in some cases, you may even complete the guide, which could make it disappear.

Bento makes it easy for you to give yourself a 'fresh' experience. You can either reset all the guides for an account or just a specific guide.

  1. Navigate to your customer account from the customer's section in Bento.

  2. Select the account you are using for testing

  3. Click Manage guides

  4. Open the 3-dot menu next to the guide you want to reset and press Reset

  5. You can also 'Reset all' guides for that customer from the Actions menu in the top right

This will reset the guide(s) launched to the account, starting them from scratch, with no completed steps.

Key call-outs:

  • only works at the customer/account level

  • account must have < 5 guides

  • this will not work if there are too many users with guides in that account

  • this does not reset announcement throttling

  • guide stats will take a little longer to reset

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