Saved audiences / re-usable segments

Save and reuse targeting rules as audiences

Emily Wang avatar
Written by Emily Wang
Updated over a week ago

If you have many guides that are going to the same audience, you can save the audience and re-use it across guides. Why?

  • To create consistency across how people at your company target users

  • To make it faster to target the same group of users

FYI you can also tag a group of users via CSV import, but that tends to be for one-off cases.

Creating a saved audience

You can create a new audience from 2 places in Bento.

Command center: From the audiences tab, press 'Create new...' to build a new audience.

Template targeting tab: When you are editing the targeting rules of any template you can also save an audience using the drop down attached to the targeting rule 'save' button.

Using saved audiences

For guide targeting

From the targeting tab of a template, you can choose to target a guide with previously saved audiences or one-off rules.

If you choose to use an audience, select one from the drop-down list. If you hover over the name you will see the details of the audience and the link to edit it.

Editing a saved audience

If you edit a saved audience, the change will propagate across all guides that use that saved audience.

  • Head to the Audiences table in the Command center

  • Choose the audience you want to edit and press the audience name

  • From here you can edit the audience name and the targeting rules.

  • You can also see a list of all the guides using the audience

  • Upon saving your edits you will also see the updated audience size

To see guides that target this audience

You can click into the audience from the audiences tab and see a list of all the guides that use that specific audience.

You can filter guides by saved audiences to quickly see how many experiences a cohort is getting. This is a great way of managing and reducing spam!

Duplicate or delete

You can duplicate saved audiences to create other similar audiences from the audiences table. The 3-dot menu next to the audience's name gives you this option.

You can also permanently delete the audience.

If you delete the audience, templates that are using that audience will simply keep the same rules in the "one-off rules" targeting. It will not stop those guides from launching.


  • We do not currently support the ability to see a list of users per audience

  • You can see the guides that the audience is eligible for in the guide libraries tab

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