Remove guides: targeting stops matching

We use a concept of "obsoletion" to remove guides when they no longer meet the targeting rules

Meera Kanani avatar
Written by Meera Kanani
Updated over a week ago

Often guides are launched for users that started a trial or are new to the app. You may want that guide to disappear after they get promoted to a paid customer (for example).

With guide obsoletion, if a user no longer meets the targeting rules the guide will disappear for them.

  • This is true for all guide types but is most relevant for empty states (embedded cards) and onboarding checklists.

  • If a user's attributes change so that they qualify again and match a guide's targeting again, the guide will reinstate for them.

Use cases

A common use case for this is upsell / cross-sells or new user onboarding.

When a guide becomes obsolete you can still see the analytics for the guide and it will appear in the customer table with an 'Obsolete' label. This means that users are not seeing the guide.

If you don't want guides to disappear for users unless they are completed let us know, and we can turn this functionality off for you (meaning guides only disappear on completion).

Read more about other guide states here.

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