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Troubleshooting: when end users can't see Bento
Troubleshooting: when end users can't see Bento
Emily Wang avatar
Written by Emily Wang
Updated over a week ago

The internet is a weird place, and between browsers, ad blockers, and content security policies, a lot can go wrong.

First, make sure your targeting rules are correct and that user is actually supposed to get the guide. You can filter the Bento guide library by user to see what they are eligible for.

You've never been able to see Bento in your app

That's likely due to Bento not being added to your Content Security Policies. See more here.

You sometimes hear about end users who don't see guides

  1. Check your toggle visibility logic. You can control when the toggle shows and when it doesn't.

  2. Check that your user has the guide launched to them. You can always grab their email and search for them. Also, head to the customers tab and search for the account to see if the guide you expect the user to see is there.

  3. Check that the user matches ALL the targeting rules for the guide (account and user level). Head to the user details table (Customers --> Details) to check the attributes of the specific user.

  4. If the user qualifies for the guide, the next course of action is to see whether they have particular ad blockers on. Disable to delete them and see if Bento guides appear (ensure you have Bento guides launched)

  5. If they have no ad blockers, you can have them open dev tools (right click their app > inspect > Network tab) and check the network tab for calls to Bento. You can search for 'trybento' in the tab and look for any identify or graphql calls. If you get to this point, drop us a note and we can troubleshoot with you.

The toggle isn't showing

Bento gives your team lots of options to control when and whether the Toggle shows. This is particularly relevant if you have it set to be a "progress ring".

  • By default, the toggle is always visible, but if you're seeing it disappear, it could be that someone set it to "Show only if there are active guides"

Read more here

Specific content not showing

Your application's security settings control what kinds of rich content will show. Certain kinds of embeds are more prone to getting blocked than others. For example:

  • Wisita videos

  • Calendly embed

In all cases, your engineering team will need to update your Content Security Policies to allow this kind of content. Send them this link.

As a fallback, you can always show your video, Calendly embed, etc. as a normal link

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