Command center

The location to adjust core Bento settings and run diagnostics on your guides

Meera Kanani avatar
Written by Meera Kanani
Updated over a week ago

The command center houses a range of functionality including:

What do these functions have in common? They are all guide agnostic. They are things you need to set or explore on a global level rather than a the guide level.

Guide Prioritization

You will recognize this functionality from the targeting tab across guides. Guide prioritization needs to happen across guides. You are prioritizing them relative to one another and that is why we included prioritization in the command center.

To change priorities you must press "Edit" and then you can drag the guides and then press "Apply changes". When you apply changes, they will take effect immediately for any Live guides.


  • Prioritization only impacts "disruptive" guides such as modals, tooltips, flows, and sidebar.

  • Prioritization also includes inline onboarding checklists since they launch progressively. This list lets you determine the order they appear.

  • Your prioritization list is the source of truth for the order in which guides will show up for your users

  • Guides will only launch to those they are targeted to and prioritization will consider that.

  • Bento automatically throttles modals so users will only see one modal per session.


If you are unsure why a customer is not getting a guide you have launched, troubleshooting is for you.

Choose which guide you want to troubleshoot and specify the user details to determine why that user isn't getting the guide.

There are various reasons why a user may not be getting the guide (it hasn't been launched, or has been stopped / removed, the targeting rules don't match, etc.). We are building out this functionality constantly.

We will provide an explanation where possible as well as recommendations, shown below.

If we aren't able to figure out why your user doesn't have the guide don't hesitate to reach out and we can live debug with you.


This information used to be a standalone page. We simply moved it into the command center.


In the top level Analytics page you can see a summary of guides launched over the past 30 days.

To drill in, you'll see summary tables grouped by guide type. This data is for the lifetime of the guide. You'll also see the ability to export this data by CSV, or click into any guide's name to see detailed Guide Analytics.

Multistep checklist guides show:

  • User viewed: Number of users who have seen the guide

  • Number engaged: Number of users who have completed at least 1 step in the guide

  • Avg steps completed: Of users who engaged, on how many steps did they complete

Single step guides (Announcements, tooltips, and embedded components) show:

  • Users viewed

  • Number engaged

  • % dismissed: Number of users who dismissed / number of users viewed

Blocked accounts

Blocked accounts functionality was ported over to the command center from the organization settings.

Saved audiences

Saved audience functionality was ported over to the command center from the guide library.

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